
Published: Thu, 06/22/17


I'm a 'fitpro' and I'm overwhelmed by the storm of 'summer body resolutions' marketing, memes, posts and adverts.
 It is exhausting and can cause all sorts of guilt, confusion and make it all look like an uphill battle.

However, on the positive side the energy out there to try something different, make a change and progress is exciting and something to get passionate about.

There is a balance to be struck.

Here at EWWO we are all about making the small habits to improve your lifestyle.

However, how do we get started?

A large discovery I made as I lost all my Kgs of fat and got fit was to JUST GET STARTED:
  • just get out the door
  • just get onto the warm up mat at the gym and stretch
  • just skip one eve of drinking alcohol
  • just stop being a wimp and get out the door in the rain
  • just get into my kit from my suit after work before I had time to form excuses
  • just DON'T think, get doing
Momentum builds from the smallest of actions, right now AND over the days/ week/ months...embrace it and enjoy the journey.

NOW its your turn...GO! 


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'