Are you focusing on what matters when it comes to your body?

Published: Wed, 05/24/17


We've all seen this picture or similar before:
I think it is really accentuates how the skeleton is exactly the same in all of us, give or take the usual differences in bone length and such. 

All we need to change to upgrade our body is fat mass and muscle mass. We can do it, however it can take time.

Focusing all effort, in the time you have, onto strengthening the skeleton and surrounding muscles, ligaments and fascia should be your laser guided, no holds barred, one and only focus on any work you do.
Fat mass will reduce as a matter of course with consistent effort..form follows function.

(It's not strength training, strengthening also needs you to eat enough REAL food, sleep well and reducing stress)

So, what holds us back?

Maybe it is our preoccupation with looking for the next best Diet, being overwhelmed by all the conflicting info we are bombarded by, or something just needs to be fixed first, such as illness, injury or difficult life situation.

Wherever you are in your journey, just remember that you CAN keep it simple by just getting really in tune with how much more energy, mobility or strength you have. Look deeper than the surface.

It is a strange situation where we try to streamline our work, time management and diaries to keep everything really simple....and  then seem to make looking after THE most important thing in our life really complicated and convoluted...your health!

Forget about worrying about the wobbly bits, they will go if you work hard to focus all your attention on building muscle to support your skeleton. 

And, above everything else, it can be a game changer to be REALLY attentive to every small change you make. Here are some classics from our client base:

  • you suddenly notice you can turn better when your twist round to reverse the car
  • you panic, thinking that you have forgotten your laptop when you grab the case..only to find you are just stronger so it feels lighter
  • you realise you weigh MORE, however your skinny jeans fit (this change in mindset is huge..muscle is more dense than fat)
  • you have more energy after work for your spouse or kids
  • you catch the bus you sprint after and jump on totally NOT out of breath
  • that twinge in your shoulder has gone
  • your boss notices you haven't been off sick for two years
  • people comment on how radiant and alive you are looking

 Build that foundation, and the rest will follow,


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741
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