Where are you?

Published: Mon, 04/24/17


Listening to the fabulous podcast by the decorated Navy Seal Jocko Willink I was blown away by the simplicity of how soldiers keep themselves on point at ALL times.

Napoleon was the greatest soldier of all time.

His tactics, values, tricks and manoeuvres on the battlefield are still used to this day.

He used to ask all him troops what THE most important piece of information was on the battlefield...

'Where are the bad guys?'


'who is winning?'

 ...any ideas?


How can you plan a course of action, advise others of where you are or what you need when you don't know where you are?

In battle it is life or death to know where you are so you can call in the back up or the infantry.

However it is just as important on your fitness journey to know where you are mentally and physically.

Brutal objectivity and the ability to detach from the situation to view where you really are is an even greater level of effectiveness we should all strive too.

  • Want to get fitter? Know where you are..then take action to get fit.
  • Want to go to the gym every day, make sure you find yourself in the gym every day.
  • Making excuses? Know where you are mentally by detaching yourself and view your current stance with brutal objectivity. Take no prisoners and do the work anyway.
  • You are where you are because of what you have done up to this very moment.

Take ownership of where you are, appreciate how hard you have worked to be as awesome as you are and simply push forward.

Just remember to detach, take stock and push forward.

Why stop growing and improving?


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'