My first trip to a fitness Expo!

Published: Mon, 03/20/17


So last Friday,  I was invited by a colleague to help, and talk a bit at Move Fit London at the Excel centre.​​​​​

Karen and her company, Steam Training, offer training courses for Personal Trainers looking to get into Exercise To Music (worth a look if looking for that career change..her devotion to correct and detailed training is outstanding!).

Not knowing what to expect I had some slides prepared and had rehearsed.

Walking in was a surprise..many stalls, loud music, buff fitness people everywhere!

My slot came up, and I stepped on stage and it was totally different to any other presentation I had done. I didn't have a static audience, all nice and quiet with attentive and polite ears pointing my way.

I was competing with Bokwa, Bounce Fit and a main stage where about 50 dancers were warming up.

Although I got my points across I cut it short as was totally blindsided by it all.

Deer in the headlights..totally.

The whole day has made me reflect on the whole fitness arena. With so many new styles of dance fitness, equipment, funky named fitness communities it is overwhelming...even for someone who has been immersed in it for well over a decade.

Newly qualified PT James would have possibly walked around noticing the fact that there were only two stalls out of over 50 with presenters talking about posture, mobility and just good old strength training.

I, however, realise now that ANYTHING that gets people moving, off the sofa and into a class, gym or even working out at home if a massive positive.

Where we need too get smarter is INCORPORATING into all the noise is a fundamental foundation of proper movement, good form and prevention of injury..all delivered by good all round coaches.

Just as I need to work out how to cut through the noise at next years event, we need to all ensure that whatever we are doing has these good movement principles at its core.

It is possible to put fitness and strength on a base a POOR mobility and stability. This leads to injuries.

Even though the fitness industry is a dogmatic, competitive and sometimes frustrating the basics of training should hold fast:

  • Balanced movements
  • Balanced warm ups
  • Rest, lots
  • Mobility work, every day
  • Balanced strength training
  • More rest
I'll be there next year with a megaphone doing my bit..


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'