Environment can be the difference between success and failure..

Published: Mon, 02/27/17


Planting a seed and watching it grow is probably one of the most life affirming things you can do.

Either a real plant OR metaphorically such as a new positive behaviour.

However, if things don't work out we often blame the process or the program/ regime/ plant or habit itself.

BUT....maybe, just maybe the environment is wrong?

'Sometimes it is NOT the plant that is sick, it is the soil that it is in' 

  • Could that last nutrition plan you tried to follow be the opposite of what your body needed?
  • Could the real push forward in your exercise regime that didn't quite take hold be actually the perfect program for you...just the wrong time in your life to implement?
  • Is our environment at home full of temptations that we can't avoid?
  • Are we training to be a bodybuilder when we are far better at strength work?

Who can know until we try, right?

As far as the environment we habituate goes we can do much to remove temptations that ruin the 'soil'.

Take time to list your weaknesses, what foods you buy that you can't avoid and also (often overlooked!) what times and situations trigger you to run off the path.

Then, next to them start problem solving them.

It is phenomenal how much initiative we have when we start looking. Make it a game and never accept that you can't change...you absolutely can!

Make that environment a nurturing and supportive one at all as small seedlings grow into huge trees given the right environment...


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'