Absence makes the heart grow fonder..

Published: Thu, 12/15/16


Those of you that know me or follow me on FB will know that Kim and the two boys have gone to NZ for 5 weeks to visit family.

I didn't realise quite how much I'd miss the tornado that is Kim ...and our two boys.

(I'm in trouble now!)

This makes me think about how much we realise what we have only sometimes when it is absent.

Could we apply this to our health?

Thinking deeply, could we increase our drive to change if we 'missed' our fitness or health aspects that we USED to have?

What will we miss in 20 years..that we could actually change right NOW?

My productivity has gone through the roof and what is spurring me on to finish all those little odd jobs, work tasks and DIY projects is that I can use this time I do have to create more time when they are all back.

This is obvious I know, yet have you ever thought about how much we need to do this to make mental and temporal 'space' for your health mission and successes?
 This part of the year is a really intense, busy and fun time so starting a fitness program is really difficult.

So, could you put some of that down time to clear some space in your life for the new year to give you the mental space to go after whatever changes you are looking to shoot for:

  • Clear inboxes for personal and work
  • Sort through cupboards and head to the charity shops with all those old clothes, toys, shoes etc
  • Plan January's diary, keeping it really free to give you space to get active when you have the energy to do so
  • Position your plans with your boss...even negotiate some earlier finishes or later starts to get used to the new routine
  • Outsource more
  • Stack tasks and chores, could you get better at doing the ironing whilst making business calls
  • Diarise your fitness. Save events for gym, walks or even stretching
  • Look into a fitbit or suchlike. The reminders these provide clear headspace

Overall, what can you do NOW or over the Xmas break to simplify your life for 2017?

Or as Einstein famously said:

'make things as simple as possible....but no simpler'

Discipline in life creates freedom, which seems backwards...but it works!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'