Bit more 'freedom' anyone?

Published: Thu, 11/24/16


I'm sure we have all tried on a suit that is a little bit 'snug'?
Think about how you moved whilst wearing it..

Think about how you breathed whilst wearing it..

Now..think about how FREE you felt when you took it off!

I use this analogy when coaching the mobility and dynamic warm ups in the first new sessions with a client, group or class.

That FREEDOM you feel when you take the 'suit' off is parallel to the FREEDOM you can give your body with only a few minutes of mobility work a day

That niggle below your shoulder blade, the dull ache in your lower back or that twinge in your knee is not 'just you getting old'.

It is YOUR body telling YOU that you are out of alignment, have asymmetry in posture or movement or certain muscles are overworked taking up the slack for weaker, tighter or dysfunctional other ones

Doing the daily work to get your body aligned gives you freedom further down the line.

Freedom to move, more energy, less pain and room to spread your wings comes from a body that is moving well.

I'll share a video by the end of the week of me running through the basic warm up I do with my clients.

In the meantime, here is a link to one of my foundation programs:
10 minutes 
James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'