Motivation and willpower are important when we are making a change.
However, these can be somewhat finite and, with respect to willpower, this is only there as a small tool for course
correction..not to drive the whole shift.
One of the biggest challenges as a PT is simply ensuring people just get started.
Whether on a new behaviour or habit, an exercise program or even a single workout.
A discovery I made when I was cajoling myself to get more activity and address my
diet was to take any ACTION.
Doesn't matter how big or what the action is.
Don't think about doing it, just do it!
Motivation will follow
Easy, no, simple, yes.
Some tactics we recommend (and use on ourselves!):
- as soon as back from work, get
straight into your workout/ walking clothes, grab a drink and then walk right out the door again. I used to call it my 'zombie mode'. As the door shut things would then happen...ACTION.
- just make the goal if heading to the gym to simply start stretching and see where this takes you. If that is all you really can do today, that is fine. Often just moving our bodies get us going. I've lost count how many PR's I've seen clients (and my own) surpass
in a session where they so nearly bailed on!
- NEVER underestimate the power of a brisk walk. I guarantee you will double the distance you set out to do. I go pretty much every eve. Unplug from the phone too, just walk and think.
These are quite practical so be imaginative.
Have that WHY ready to bolster up your ACTION
Setting up little mental triggers can be beneficial too. One of the most effective, I believe, is practicing and building up the habit of a pattern interrupt whenever we find ourselves saying 'I should' or 'I wish I could' or that little pang of guilt or disappointment comes up.
These things are our internal alarm systems.
As Byron Katie shares in her ground-breaking book 'loving what is' these should be our friends that give us that little supportive nudge towards a better direction.
Different situations and different people need different tactics, yet have this pause feature 'installed' empowers us to become our own teachers and coaches.
The PAUSE is an ACTION in itself
We can use this moment of calm to check REALITY, live in the moment and move something!
We are primed to problem solve, look for issues and think things through. We deconstruct threats and never rest until we have minimised all risks.
Could this create a mental 'trap' that we spring on ourselves that makes us OVER think instead of taking ACTION?
Put all that energy into DIS-engaging brain and engaging body!
Zombie mode just take ACTION!