Ages range from 18mths to 5 years so we get them at that amazing time where their learning, physical skills and confidence is just beginning to blossom.
It is life affirming to watch these cool little kids adapt and develop an incredible amount of attributes week on week
Also, as I am sure many people that work with children will tell you, that being on this journey alongside them highlights to me things that I learnt as a child
that I had either forgotten to do as an adult or missed during my development entirely.
I see movement skills that I used to struggle I add these into the games.
I see behaviours that I STILL default to and try to use play and teamwork to coach in the
right direction.
Speaking with one Father this week, he pointed to another little lad and said 'I wish my lad was as talented as that one'
I pointed out that the talented lad in question also has been coming for two years and practices all the games we play in the week...he is Rugby
Yes, he is has natural talent, but without talented PRACTICE maybe this talent would go to waste...or even not be noticed.
In the studio when I'm training adults and in my own training I see this as well.
- Is it human nature to decide to give up on a new skill as soon as we realise that we are not as good as that other person?
- Could any of use be held back in our own development because we succumb too this?
- Could it even be a innate survival tactic?
Would someone who stood out from their peers be a target for removal as a threat?
Whatever it is we are working on TODAY, try to remember that PRACTICE is vital and in that is the ebb and flow of failure and success.
My first attempt at a crash.
My first session with all those kids and parents...terrifying!
We are masters at encouraging others, especially children.
However, could we shift how we coach ourselves and get that little bit better
day by day?
Yesterday's email on mobility is a fantastic place to start. Mobility work can be done anywhere, is totally personal and when done right can make a difference IMMEDIATELY!
It just needs practice to become a TALENTED mover!
We all have talents...and all have something to offer the world for the good.
Could a bit more practice to your strengths realise this?