Is the focus on fat reduction keeping us from results?

Published: Mon, 09/19/16


Today I was having a chat in the locker you do.

Chap I was talking to was surprised to hear I was 41..said he clocked me at 34ish.

After telling him off for being such a flirt I immediately entered into bashful, humble mode and started saying that I'm no where near where I could be, or was when really at 34.

Then..I stopped.

Why should I justify this? I don't need to...

We then came to the conclusion that the extra wobbly bit just above my belt is an EXACT trade off for more time with my kids (oh and a BIT too much chocolate!)

The slightly smaller arms are in proportion to the extra energy I've put into the business rather than time in the gym.

When family grows, priorities change,  work commitments arise or its holiday time, health can take a hit.

Worry about it? We really shouldn't!

We should USE our bodies in an active life.... balancing strength, movement, mobilty and cardio with our priorities. 

Making sure we do a little something every day out of the above list to ensure we FEEL and PERFORM better will lead to a nice side effect of us LOOKING better!

So, can we waste too much energy on that target of fat loss that we could instead apply to mobility and strength work that makes the extra movement needed to burn off the fat easier.

Move well, then move often.

Blinkered focus on fat loss and the fixation with the scales means we often miss the more important adaptations in how we feel and how we perform.

Your 'tummy' could seem to not change as the strengthening of tendons, increase in immune system, strengthening of bones and improvement of blood flow to muscles is happening unnoticed by us.

And so what if a little bit of fat mass has crept on as you work hard on being an awesome parent, improving your lifestyle or that extra project at work that will push you forward.

Ride the ebb and flow of life and simply move that little bit forward in one facet every day. Just make sure you are realistic and consistent.

See the wood for the trees!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'