In a high risk environment such as a war zone, any amount of planning could never predict what was going to happen.
Soldiers would
get cut off from each other unexpectedly and the enemy often didn't do what was expected.
In this occasion the higher command could be sure that each soldier would act in the best interest of the mission at hand, without the need to freeze and wait for orders from above.
On a fitness journey you need the same detail and focus at all times.
We need to be acutely aware of what our mission is and have the best plan possible for the weak points.
Your mission is your goal, your WHY and your insurance of a long and fulfilling life.
When those moments
arise such as:
- Convenience food becoming the only option at a hungry moment
- weather stops us going for a run
- party season hots up
- stressful and tiring day means that resolve drops when thinking about dinner options
- injury or illness halts a strength
- a 'bad' habit sneaks back in
We need to have our mission at the forefront. Cut off from our support network such as friends, your coach even your Doctor, the more aware and determined you are of your clear mission the quicker you can get back on track.
We are battling with ourselves sometimes, or at least that is how
it can feel, so have the courage to take that risk if In line with your mission is often exactly what you need.
Trying a new food, putting a large weight on your back and squatting, investing some money on a coach or new plan or even just challenging your pride and signing up for a new class is a risk.
NOT doing the above will mean you will stay where you
Get your mission right, rally your troops, work through those scenarios where you need to counter strike.
We know that it's the small successes and wins that equal a successful mission. If you are prepared and not afraid to walk into the unknown because you know your mission, those course corrections needed will create success at every turn, however
terrifying or wierd it way seem.
Every move we make or obstacle we overcome gives us power if a move towards our end goal.
Ever been dragged to a new class or event that you were sure you would hate, only to walk
out fired up and energised?
You smashed through your perceived risks and won a battle..that is a massive win in your behaviour change!
Know your mission, destination and plan for the curve balls!