Complicated = wrong!

Published: Wed, 06/22/16


I believe that trying to get our bodies to lose fat and add muscles is like trying to get a room full of puppies to 1) sit still and 2) do so in a straight line...

Intense, and impossible!

Nature is infinitely complex and so is your body....look at the pic above. How many processes, forces, temperature changes and movement happens in just one second do you think?

Your body is just as amazing...

Second by second tiny changes occur to re balance every single chemical process in our body. 

And we expect it to do what we want do we?!

Nature can do complex.................we can't!

Ever tried to understand a complicated machine or process in a new job that gives you an underlying niggle that something is BROKEN and there MUST be an easier why.

Only every day right? :-D

I've tried, and worked with clients as they tried, some really complicated dietary regimes with a myriad of rules, measurements, charts and point systems.

Am I alone in thinking that something must be off if we are the only species that needs a calculator to eat!?  

We need to keep it simple!

1) Change ONE thing at a time
2) Keep at it until the habit sticks

It is why I follow JERF (Just Eat Real Food) most of the time. If is doesn't look pretty similar to how it would look in nature then don't eat (much) of it.

Don't let complexity give you a reason to quit.

Ask 50 people how they lost a few stone and you will get 50 different answers.

The only constant you will find with those that succeeded is that they stuck to ONE method only!

Consistency IS success..

Find one PT, one book, one program or one DVD set and stay the course!

How do you know it doesn't work unless you complete?

If you give it up and start something else you fail TWO programs then!

Keep It Simple!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'