How being ill motivates me...eventually!

Published: Sat, 06/18/16


Yes, I was ill this week...although you will be proud..I battled through!
(interspersed with some extra sleep and lots of veg/ginger smoothies!)

Of course I dislike being ill or injured in anyway, however once that first glimmer of recovery starts it reminds me of how I felt when I turned my fitness around:
  • the beginning was a huge effort, made harder as energy and motivation at a low
  • if I overdo it I spend the next day catching up energy levels
  • as recovery starts, everything grows easier as long as I keep consistent with my rest and nutrition
  • when I'm fully recovered I'm up a level on my training
  • I come out the end with even more respect for how precious my body is as energy levels return
  • the extra rest means more energy after

Getting healthier and fitter follows similar cycles with the biggest push always needed at the hardest time it seems.

As I've written about a few times success grows cumulatively. Make all the goals you set are small and achievable in the beginning and just make them a little bit more challenging as you progress to the next one.

Proving to yourself you can succeed is the biggest hurdle to overcome, just like those initial efforts to do things in the beginning of a cold or flu. 

Notice how we seem to recover pretty fast as soon as we catch that first feeling that we are on the mend?

What fascinates me is whether this is because we are getting better, OR do we cause ourselves to get better as our mind decides we are. Who can know?

However, I KNOW it works in health and fitness. Those that decide with true conviction that they are making positive changes are ALWAYS right.

Anyone else also feel almost 'cleansed' after an illness...almost like its been good to take the immune system for a training run. After all, it won, as I am still here!

Be prepared for any summer bugs that are on the way. Ramp up your vegetables and fruit levels, keep active and avoid all humans (well maybe the last point is a bit extreme!)

Stay healthy!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'