The upper arm (Humerus) moves in your shoulder joint as a lever or stick. It circumvents, which means moves pretty much in a full circle.
Now think how that movement would be hampered
with tight tendons, poor lubrication of the joint with synovial fluid, inflammation or unbalanced muscle groups.
Just like a rusty gearstick, hindrance of movement and lack of lubrication will spread the stresses unevenly. Eventually the gear box will wear out.
There is 206 bones in the body, between nearly every one is a joint.
- Some joints need really good flexibility such as the shoulder or hip.
- Some will hardly move and are there as a shock absorber and flex a small amount as in the spaces containing the discs in our spine.
- ALL these joints need to be moved through as many positions as possible as much as possible...EVERY DAY
A good stretching and mobility protocol is the gold standard (I will send mine out again tomorrow for those that missed it first time), however just challenging yourself to move every joint in your body through a full range of motion across the day is an excellent starting point.
Circle your shoulders (independently), ankles and
Twist or stretch your torso to each side.
Swing your legs about.
This have the effect of keeping all the muscles aligned and strong, increases tendon a gearbox service would do.
Use it it or lose it...keep that Zimmer frame or stair lift at bay for years ;-)
The more mobile we feel, the more we want to really does get easier!