How do you present yourself?

Published: Mon, 05/23/16


I honestly believe people will become what you present them to be...

You may or may not have heard of that computer error in the US education system in a school where the top grade students were accidentally swapped with the low grade students.

The teachers treated the low grades like the top grades for a term and vice versa until the error was spotted. 

I think you can guess what happened...

The real top grade students scored low in tests and the real low grade students scored high!

The teachers taught and treated the lower grade students to a higher level as they believed that they were the more talented students.

The students levelled up because belief was shown in them...

I'm sure we have all given the 'benefit of the doubt' to someone who everyone else had written off in some way and they have upped their game and come through.

We see it with kids, show them trust and they won't let you down (mostly!). 
Restrict them too much and a mini rebellion occurs! about how you present yourself?

I often see a perceptible shift in a persons movement and focus on an exercise when I simply say 'move like an athlete'.

I believe in the ability of their muscles, CNS, balance and strength to often surpass where they think they are.

Even if they don't! (Yet)

Self belief is often earnt through a series of small steps that give us a slight nudge past the edge of our comfort zone.

Just as an interior designer or architect would see the potential of a house that the rest of us would see as a run down wreck, a good PT sees the potential of a body that the 'owner' has written off as broken.

Next time you have a spare 5 min look up some videos of athletes performing.

Take note of how they move, how they push through and the self belief they seem to bristle with. 

When next in the gym, off for a run or walk or suchlike emulate what you have noticed. 

Move, think and believe in how amazing your body is......and what could it become if you PRESENT it to be that little bit more athletic today?

Worth a shot isn't it?


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'