I'm a bit wobblier yet stronger=happy!

Published: Tue, 05/17/16


Learning to focus on the small changes and improvements is the holy grail of improved health success.

You can't succeed at it all, some people are freaking strong, others are fast. Some are fast one year then strong the next.

I'm a bit wobblier than I've been for years, however my Deadlift maximum amount has moved up from 140kg to 160kg in a few months. I'm getting stronger as I get older. 

To get stronger I need more muscle, to get more muscle I eat more food. Some of that hits my belly as fat mass. 

This is all part of the process.

Building a strong infrastructure of rigid bones and strong, mobile muscles is VITAL.

Wobbly bits will go in time with consistent work, so don't worry!

As we evolve through our training we move through phases of understand and focus changes, for example:
  1. I want bigger arms (guys)/ I want smaller arms (girls)
  2. How do I lose my belly fat?
  3. oh, I seem to be less in pain and life seems easier..weird!
  4. ok, how can I get an hour to myself to stretch every day?
  5. wow..I want to deadlift!
  6. wow..I want to squat!
  7. oh my arms have muscles!
  8. I'm eating more real food than I ever have..yet I'm losing wobbly bits!
  9. I'm wearing a size smaller but I weight MORE?!
  10. oh...where has my belly fat gone!?
As I referred to in the last couple of emails, often we get healthier gradually while we are too busy focusing elsewhere. 

Good habits become so automatic that we have to look hard to see them..that is the very nature of them being 'automatic'

Try not to miss these habits or take them for granted

Celebrate each win and be proud of it..however small!



James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'